WASHINGTON D.C: In this latest and newest vlog, Hip-Hop artist Frankey Barrz gives a brief informal discussion on How To Be Healthy with interviews from health experts Kristy Halderman of Blue Crate Oat Milk in Washington D.C., GiGe of Juiced Up Inc. in Atlanta, Ga, Yoga Teacher Barbra Towel in B.C., Canada, and Sammie of Zen Haven Spa in Northern Virginia. Watch the video in the article below!
FREDERICKSBURG VA: In this week's article by Comedian Scott Wharton, Scott reflects on the purpose and value of the "Antique Shop" which is a common sight in Downtown Fredericksburg. Scott tries to bring light and understanding to how antique shops can provide value to younger generations through exploration of the past! Read the article below!
FREDERICKSBURG VIRGINIA: Big things are happening in Fredericksburg with the recent groundbreaking for the Fredericksburg Nationals Minor League Baseball Club Stadium! This is a huge project that has a lot of people excited! Hoodie Goodie's very own Scott Wharton tells us what he thinks about this new venue and how it will impact the citizens of the 'Burg in the blog article below!
FREDERICKSBURG VIRGINIA: Scott Wharton is a stand-up comedian from Fredericksburg Virginia. Scott is our new writer for Hoodie Goodies and will be writing blogs each month. In this first article by Scott, he lays down his vision for the community of Fredericksburg becoming a creative and artistic hub. See what Scott has to say in the article below!